NEWS: 'Wild Ennerdale' Declared New National Nature Reserve

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 UKC/UKH News 16 Nov 2022

A new National Nature Reserve was formally created yesterday by Natural England. Wild Ennerdale is the ninth largest reserve in England, and one of the first 'Super NNRs' recognised for their landscape-scale approach.

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 Lankyman 16 Nov 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

Saw this on the news last night. It's over a decade since I was last there but I've always thought Ennerdale is the most 'Scottish' of the Lakeland dales in terms of feel and character. Probably a lot of it is down to no road and its location out in the far west away from most of the day trippers. Pillar seen from Ennerdale is such an impressive mountain to look at. Puts many a 'dull' Munro to shame.

In reply to Lankyman:

I always laugh when people talk about Ennerdale being 'remote'. It's a few miles, as a stolen Corsa flies, from urban West Cumbria.

 Lankyman 16 Nov 2022
In reply to Ridge:

> I always laugh when people talk about Ennerdale being 'remote'. It's a few miles, as a stolen Corsa flies, from urban West Cumbria.

When I lived in (north) Cumbria, West Cumbria felt like another country

In reply to Lankyman:

Where I am, my next door neighbours live on a different planet

 C Witter 16 Nov 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

What will this mean concretely? Does anyone know? Or is it just branding fluff?

Also: sais/said.

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