Logbooks Help Page

Q1: How do I create a logbook?
Firstly you need to login, or register. Once you are logged in, simply use the Logbook main page to search for climbs to start off your logbook.

Q2: How do I add climbs to my logbook?

  1. By climb name - enter one climb at a time, by typing in part of the route name and waiting for the route to appear in the list. Please try and spell the route correctly (check the guidebook if you are unsure). If the route doesn't appear then see Q9.
  2. By crag name - go to a full crag entry by typing in part of the crag name or using the map search. Then tick the routes to add to your logbook, without typing in all the names.

Q3: How do I edit or remove climbs in my logbook?
Go to your logbook page and click on the route then click Edit Under Logged Ascents > My Logbook.

Q4: How do I stop people from reading my logbook?
Choose your Privacy from User (top right of every page) > User Options > Logbook.
Public - everyone can look at it.
Partners - only your climbing partners can look at it.
Private - no-one else can see it.

Q5: How do I link my climbing partners to their logbooks?
For each climbing partner you create in your Edit Partners page, you can link that name to a registered user. Some of your partners may not be registered users, but for those that are, simply enter their UKC User Name in the form.

Q6: How do I copy climbs from my partners' logbooks?
If your climbing partner also has a logbook then you can easily copy climbs that you did together from their logbook using the Add logs from my Partners feature. Both partners must be linked from each other's logbook for this to work.

Q7: What do all the Styles of Ascent mean?
You can enter as much about your style of ascent as you wish or just leave this blank.

Styles of ascent
DWS (deep water solo)
Alternate Leads
Optional details
onsight No knowledge of the route. Start at the bottom and end at the top without weighting any protection. Sport or trad.
flash (with beta) Never climbed the route but know something about it after watching another climber or being told some useful information. Sport and trad.
ground up Each attempt starts from the ground. You climb until you fall, then lower to the ground without practicing the key moves and start again. Usually only done on hard trad climbing although can be done on sport but rarely is.
redpoint/headpoint The route is fully practiced before a clean ascent. 'Headpoint' is the trad version of 'redpoint' where the route is practiced on a top-rope and then led with knowledge of gear and moves, or soloed if there is no gear.
repeat ascent No falls or rests but have done previously in the past. Sport or trad.
with falls/rests (dogged) Climbed to the top doing every move but weighted gear at some stage of the ascent. Sport or trad.
did not finish Didn't make it to the top or didn't do all the moves. Sport or trad.

Q8: I've found an improved, incorrect or extra information about a route
You can give feedback on a climb in a number of ways.
If you disagree with a grade or star rating then please use the voting system.
If you have feedback about a route then use the Feedback > + Add Feedback button displayed on each route.
If you have more specific information about a route - a better description, first ascent information, route length, change of route type - then use the Update Climb Info button to submit your information to the crag moderator.

Q9: I can't find a route in the UKC database
Please remember that every major climb, and the majority of minor climbs, in the UK are already listed so please check that you've spelled the route name correctly. Then go to the full crag listing to see if it is there. If you are absolutely sure that the climb isn't in the list, then you can Add a missing Climb. Give your own description of the climb if you want to, or just the name, grade and star-rating. If you don't include a description then at least include some information to help the moderator locate the climb and position it correctly in the list by relating it to other climbs or distinct crag features. The climb is added to our database immediately, so you can put it in your logbook.

Q10: How do I quickly add lots of missing climbs?
You can use Upload file of missing climbs to upload a file of climb details from your computer. The page gives instructions on how to easily do this in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel, or with a simple text editor.

Q11: Can I save a copy of my logbook as a backup?
Save a data file using the link on the My Logbook page. This will download a comma-separated text file of the data in a .csv file format that is openable by all main database programs.

Q12: What is crag moderation?
The logbook system relies on volunteer moderators to look after the climb data. Read more on the Moderators Help Page.

Q13: Can I use Logbook to keep a record of my climbs for my Mountain Training DLOG system?
On the My Logbook page you can use the Download button to create a comma-separated text file of the data in a .csv file format that is openable by all main spreadsheet programs. This is close to being compatible with the Mountain Training DLOG.

Q14: Adding missing Crags
You can add crags using the Add a missing Crag page. The new addition will need to be approved by a staff member. This would ordinarly happen in less than 24 hours.

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