Wanted: Pulley for via ferrata x2

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 DobloDan (user since 24/Jan/20)  UKC Supporter 11:47 Wed

Doing a bit of via ferrata with a zip line in Jan and after a couple of cheap pulleys. Will probably only ever use them a couple times so would be good to get one second hand. 



In reply to DobloDan:

I've a Petzl one that can become yours for £20. Send me a PM and I'll get some photos over to you.

In reply to DobloDan

I have a two Petzl Fixe Pulleys (older version) available if these meet your needs? Email for pics if interested, £20 for both.


 djwilse 21:40 Wed
In reply to DobloDan:

You'll be needing a double pulley and make sure it is rated for steel cables (e.g Petzl Tandem Speed or Decathlon do an Edelrid one. Often can be rented locally at the site of the Zip wire. Last one we did in France we just rented the pulleys and used our own kit (I think it also included a short sling because the normal VF lanyards go behind it on a steel crab (also rented) to act as a brake if needed (gently pulling down on the lanyards).

When you do the Zip  it's worth trying to see someone else do it first - some are really fast and need quite a lot of braking, others will leave you dangling mid air if you don't let it run at full speed to get across.

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