NEWS: Three Golds in Paraclimbing World Championships for Team GB

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 UKC News 15 Sep 2018
At the Innsbruck 2018 Paraclimbing World Championships this week, Team GB came away with three World Champions and one Silver and one Bronze medal. GB Paraclimbing Team coach Robin O'Leary sent us the following report...

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 elliott92 15 Sep 2018
In reply to UKC News:

Congrats to all the medalists and the whole team. I see them train as a team at oakwood often and it is nothing short of inspiring, you guys work hard for this! Congratulations to robyn and belinda, the coaches, such talented coaches 

 Tom Last 15 Sep 2018
In reply to UKC News:

Go Mikey, you hero! Nice one mate

In reply to UKC News:

Not wanting to detract from their achievements, a very well done to all!

However with these articles it would be really helpful to the reader to include a table or something outlining what the various categories actually mean to put their achievements in context. The link provided isn't particularly helpful as it links to the full rules for the competition which doesn't make for easy reading.

I know that these athletes shouldn't be defined by their disabilities, but they also shouldn't be shied away from and it shouldn't be something people are afraid to talk about.

I think if the reader can understand what the different categories are when reading an article like this then it adds some context to the athlete's achievements and makes them seem all the more impressive.

 Offwidth 17 Sep 2018
In reply to SuperLee1985:

Isn't that why UKC linked to this?

Anyway, fantastic results from the UK team.

Edit... having looked at the document in more detail its the full rules so I think the IFSC needs to split it up and take it off a pdf and put it on web linked contents. Hence, I agree UKC could usefully do an article on the categories; maybe talking them through with some of the recent champions and medalists.

Post edited at 09:13
In reply to UKC News:

What a fantastic achievement for these individuals and for GB.


A follow up article(s) us a great idea.


We all know climbing is challenging at the best of times, imagine what it took for these people to reach the bottom of these climbs, let alone pull on.




 galpinos 17 Sep 2018
In reply to Offwidth:

> Hence, I agree UKC could usefully do an article on the categories; maybe talking them through with some of the recent champions and medalists.

This would make a great article.

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