Ten Tips For Bouldering Outdoors

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 UKC Articles 15 Jan 2014
Conan the Librarian on Mother Cap, one very early morning before work., 4 kb

In this article, Dave Flanagan gives 10 tips on how to improve your bouldering experience when venturing outdoors for the first few times. 

In reply to UKC Articles:

Interesting article! I find bouldering (indoors) massively difficult, but am tempted to try it outdoors now.

BTW the link in section 5 to the article on friction doesn't work, it should be this:
pasbury 16 Jan 2014
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Good article and good pics - especially the one of Ned Feehally on the Mallory Boulder; gulp!

Dava should get an award for services to beanie wearers.
In reply to UKC Articles:

Nice article.

But I would like to point out other Climbers Hand balms are available.

 GPN 16 Jan 2014
In reply to pasbury:

> Good article and good pics - especially the one of Ned Feehally on the Mallory Boulder; gulp!

I think it might be ever so slightly posed

 Si Cox 16 Jan 2014
In reply to UKC Articles:

The advice on hand care was useful. I wrecked my fingers last week by ripping of several callouses.

Flappers are nasty.

Healing up now I have applied the moisturiser (no shame there), and I will be getting a pumice stone...
In reply to UKC Articles:

If also add don't be out off by certain areas or rock types. I personally have always loathed bouldering because I'd only done it on Devon granite, which is either boringly easily or utterly nails. It wasn't until this weekend when I first bouldered on grit that I finally understood all the fuss!
Conquer the Crux 08 Feb 2014
In reply to UKC Articles:

I think these are great tips even for more experienced climbers. Sometimes we get so focused on just making it up the climb that we forget about thinking about other factors that could help us. Like topping out. This is something I've never specifically practiced and I've been climbing for over 6 years. I just hope I'll stick the top out once I get there. If I focused on practicing top outs I'm sure my mindset and climbing would improve.

Also, I love point number 10! Maybe it's time I go back to Font...

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