size 9 novice/easy climbing shoes for student or hard up climber

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Available to a student, or any novice who's hard up. Free of charge but request a charitable donation made for cost of postage, to either mountain/cave rescue local to you or a hospice local to you.

I bought a pair of Scarpa Velocity size 9 ages ago. The idea was I would have an easy comfy pair of shoes for low grades and something for the boot of the car for indoor bouldering chilled out sessions. I wanted comfort.  Tried them on and they felt OK-ish but probably would stretch. I should've got a size bigger or a different pair.

I have worn them 4 times indoors and I find them horrible for my feet, I just can't wear them much to small and pain in big toes. Gave them to my son and he wore them 1 indoor session and can't wear them. Gave them to a mate and he tried then on for a few seconds and they were no way going to fit him (not Cinderella apparently...) and he gave them back. There is nothing wrong with them except that they don't match my feet (or my son, or mate)

If you have a genuine need, and think these are going to fit you. PM me. They might not fit you either...  but you can give it a go. Some places use as rental shoes so you might have worn a pair already?

If you want them just to try resell them: <imperative verb><expletive verb><second person personal pronoun>

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