NEWS: New 9A boulder for Charles Albert

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 UKC News 16:36 Mon

Charles Albert has made the first ascent of L'Ombre du Voyageur (The Traveler's Shadow), in Salève, Haute-Savoie, in the French Prealps. He has graded the boulder 9A.

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In reply to UKC News:

Looks like he could do with a shoe & pad sponsor. 

In reply to UKC News:

I guess the article should say without kneebar pads, it looks like he uses a kneebar in that video.

 climbercool 14:23 Tue
In reply to UKC News:

does he have any sponsors of any kind?

 teddy 18:33 Tue

What is meant by far closer in length to Hubble than Burden of Dreams? Hubble is a very short route, basically a boulder problem. 

 gekitsu 20:24 Tue
In reply to teddy:

something like: hubble is 10 meters of height difference between start and finish, and the entire start is in a roof (i.e. appreciably more than 10m total climbing distance).

burden of dreams is significantly fewer than ten moves in total.

 teddy 22:45 Tue
In reply to gekitsu:

if a longer route is wanted as an example hubble is a poor choice as the start is by far the hardest bit at V14 and the finish is way easier at around french 7c+

Post edited at 22:46
 stevevans5 13:04 Wed
In reply to teddy:

I think the point is that this is long for a boulder problem, more similar in length to a short route (i.e. Hubble) than a typical length hard boulder problem (i.e. burden), both being fairly well-known so used for comparison.

In reply to teddy:

I'm not sure many would want to boulder out Hubble...

 Fishmate 17:27 Wed
In reply to Dale Turrell:

I think Mr White, read (copied) the original post incorrectly. Charles states (in French) that it would be easier with shoes and kneepads, not kneebars... where do they get these media luvvies from?

 teddy 18:43 Wed

Alphane Font 9A would be a good example of a long, sustained problem comparable to Charles’s new problem


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