PRESS RELEASE: Making Friends Since 1977 – The Heritage of Wild Country

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 UKC Gear 07 Dec 2022

The story of Wild Country is the story of two strong-minded and visionary individuals from totally different backgrounds, but who shared a common passion. It was a chance meeting between two climbers in the summer of 1972, one a scientist and the other an entrepreneur that led to the development of 'Friends'. 

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 Sean Kelly 07 Dec 2022
In reply to UKC Gear:

Incidently Ray Jardine has written the go-to guide for the Pacific Crest Trail. I believe he has done it a number of times if my memory is correct. I tried to get my local library to stock it but no joy. I do recall the it was such a guide that resulted in Cheryl Strayd adventure and subsequent book & film, Wild.

Post edited at 17:20
In reply to Sean Kelly:

There's quite an interesting video about him on YouTube. He seems to have been quite a divisive character and eventually left the climbing scene after being shunned - I can't remember the specifics... think it might have been chipping?

 Soeren Smidt 02 Jan 2023
In reply to beardy mike:

He tried to free The Nose and apparently chipped some places in his free variation which put him in bad standing

 kmsands 04 Jan 2023
In reply to UKC Gear:

The 'Tomorrows World' video mentioned in the piece seems to be online here:

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