Climbs 131
Rocktype Gritstone
Altitude 381m a.s.l
Faces SW

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Thrust, the 4th Cloud. © Paul B

Crag features

The curious formation of the Five Clouds has left five distinct bumps of west-facing rock faces of varying size and extent. The first two have only limited bouldering to offer, and the Third is the best for those looking for routes. The Fourth Cloud has the best bouldering including the brilliant Fourth Cloud Boulder with its set of hard classics. The Fifth Cloud has a few problems and finally there is the Nth Cloud just to confuse the numbering which is situated a little way further along the ridge. The difficulty level of the problems is high here and this isn't an area for those looking for easy circuits.

The Five Clouds are situated in front of the main Roaches edge at a slightly lower level. They receive plenty of afternoon sunshine, will dry quickly and are seldom green.

Approach notes

Park as for the Roaches. Go through the gate then turn left along a sunken track. Follow this towards The Clouds, passing under the old quarries.

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