NEWS: Government's 'Attack on Nature' Condemned

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 UKC/UKH News 12 Oct 2022

The radical deregulation agenda of the Truss administration has come under fire from environmental groups worried that the obsession with cutting 'red tape' in the pursuit of growth will seriously blight England's environment and landscape. There's also a risk, say campaigners, that promised improvements to public access in the countryside will be scrapped. 

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In reply to UKC/UKH News:

This would be funny if it wasn't so tragic, it's almost like this government are trying to become a parody of themselves in an effort to become the ultimate "#torybastard" stereotype and do as much damage as possible before alienating the electorate completely.

The previous few (actually elected) governments have directly promised not to do precisely this. 

In reply to UKC/UKH News:

What's the BMC position on this?

 C Witter 13 Oct 2022
In reply to Toerag:

That's a good question! I really think they should be joining the chorus here and doing what they can to protect their members' interests. This is what they've published so far:

 Quickdrawmgraw 13 Oct 2022
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

This is terrible news. Sounds like its all exactly the wrong thing to do.  Voice your frustrations by joining the regional cop27 demonstration against government inaction and greenwash, in sheffield on 12th november.  The climbers for climate group are planning to go . Look them up to get involved with them or just go yourselves.  Hopefully it will be a friendly mass demonstration of support for worldwide and local climate and environmental issues, and its happening in sheffield so hopefully lots of climbers can get behind this ! 

Just message on this thread for more information if you like . 

In reply to Quickdrawmgraw:

Yes, this news is appalling. Can you post details of the climbers for climate group and the demonstration? Thanks. 

 Offwidth 16 Oct 2022
In reply to C Witter:

The most recent BMC post is here:

The BMC point was raised on another thread:

The discussion here started on yet another thread:

In reply to Offwidth:

> The most recent BMC post is here:


That doesn't seem to address conservation issues at all. Almost the opposite.

 Quickdrawmgraw 16 Oct 2022
In reply to Vanessa Simmons:

You can look them up on facebook!  I think everyone meets at 12pm on 12th November at Barker's pool in sheffield.  As we know there are multiple, multiple environmental issues to protest about, too many to mention... get involved and get your voice heard. Tell your friends.


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