NEWS: Adam Hocking Repeats Birkett Scafell E9

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 UKC News 28 Jul 2011
Adam Hocking making the second ascent of Return of the King (E9) on Scafell's East Buttress, 4 kbKeswick based climber Adam Hocking has continued his run of form by making the second ascent of Dave Birkett's Scafell E9 Return of the King.

Adam's ascent of Return of the King is the first repeat of any of the Birkett Scafell 'super-routes'.


 tom290483 28 Jul 2011
In reply to UKC News:

good work that man.
In reply to UKC News: The boy's on fire! Good to see some 'big E' mountain routes getting done
 biscuit 28 Jul 2011
In reply to UKC News:

Well chuffed for you Hock. Keep it coming you're going to put Lake's climbing back on the map :0)
 Wft 28 Jul 2011
In reply to UKC News:

well that looks hard. . . .
In reply to UKC News: Sick effort! These are the sort of ascents that inspire us punters - proper climbing at the highest level. To echo an earlier post: well dont that man!
 Jimbo C 29 Jul 2011
In reply to UKC News:

Incredible photo on the article. It looks steep and 'ard as nails. Well done.
 Simmy 29 Jul 2011
In reply to UKC News:

Just Brilliant!

Hopefully these accents will inspire prospective Lakes visitors to get out on the high crags.
 GDes 29 Jul 2011
Stunned this hasnt had more of a reaction. Brilliant effort, great to see scafell getting some well deserved attention
In reply to GDes:

Not on grit you see. If it was then all the armchair pundits would be out saying how can it be E9 etc. etc.

Now if he'd just move a few metres left, there's another line waiting for a repeat ( and one a few metres left again)

 Michael Ryan 29 Jul 2011
In reply to GDes:
> Stunned this hasnt had more of a reaction. Brilliant effort, great to see scafell getting some well deserved attention

Ged... the news item has been read over 4,000 times. Not all react by posting on the associated news thread.

I didn't, but did discuss this ascent with a friend last night. Lot's of people do that I'm sure.

Same with the Castle Rock news item last week. I was up in the Lakes last weekend and heard more discussion about it 'live' than I did on here.
 Michael Ryan 29 Jul 2011
In reply to GDes:

k'nell the forum thread has had 1300 views, so lots of attention off us forum heads as well as the newshounds.
In reply to Mick Ryan - Senior Editor - UKC:

Ged said "more of a reaction" not "read the item". Not a subtle difference but a difference nonetheless.

 Michael Ryan 29 Jul 2011
In reply to a lakeland climber:

He means forum reaction, I guess. All other reactions you can't measure. My point is that forum reactions aren't all reactions. Forum behaviour has changed as time goes on, often less comments but more people reading the actual news item and it's associated thread, and you don't know what their reaction is, but you could make a pretty good prediction that many thousands of people are impressed by Adam's ascent.
In reply to Mick Ryan - Senior Editor - UKC:

Had a quick look through the news items and the video of Ryan Pasquil on a grit E8 gets 6000 views and 71 comments. See what I mean? No doubt I could find more.

Of course you can get numbers to say anything if you massage them enough and comparing a story from March with one from three hours ago isn't exactly fair.

 Michael Ryan 29 Jul 2011
In reply to a lakeland climber:

Traffic is higher, both site and forum posts, in March and weather is crap.

You are right though, Grit is more popular than Lakeland Rock and more have an emotional attachment to Grit than the Lakes.

But that it is only part of the story. Check Dave Birkett news reports out, sky high figures.
 Fishmate 29 Jul 2011
In reply to jacobjlloyd:
> (In reply to UKC News) Sick effort! These are the sort of ascents that inspire us punters.

Got to echo that sentiment Jacob, it looks properly mental. Not sure if it's just me but the route names also inspire. 'Return of the King' and 'Welcome to the Cruel World' make a boy very curious

In reply to UKC News: Beast! Thought Adam was more of a boulderer? Seems he's crushing the trad now though!
Dom Bush 29 Jul 2011
In reply to UKC News: I was lucky enough to be there capturing Adam's ascent on film, as I was when he climbed The Keswickian and The Ego has Landed. Hock's really strong and ticking off some great lines with supreme confidence, its inspiring to see him climb.

I feel sometimes that the Lakes doesn't get enough recognition as a really great climbing venue and its great to be able to bring it in to the public view a bit more!
 simes303 30 Jul 2011
In reply to a lakeland climber:
> (In reply to Mick Ryan - Senior Editor - UKC)
> Had a quick look through the news items and the video of Ryan Pasquil on a grit E8 gets 6000 views and 71 comments. See what I mean? No doubt I could find more.
> Of course you can get numbers to say anything if you massage them enough and comparing a story from March with one from three hours ago isn't exactly fair.

You use figures to make a point, and then declare it to be an invalid comparison.
 Paul Crusher R 30 Jul 2011
In reply to UKC News: Nice one Adam.
 Jon Ratcliffe 31 Jul 2011
In reply to Duncan Campbell: Hock was climbin hard trad when you were nount but a nipper Duncan! Effort Hock!
 The Mole 01 Aug 2011
In reply to Simmy: I was on Scafell on Saturday and Gimmer and Pavey the weekend before; there was no shortage of visitors on the high crags.
Wanderin' Boy 14 Aug 2011
In reply to UKC News: it appears the camera is tilted, I know this crag well as we use the path below on our rambling club outings, and the wall doesn't look that steep from below. Artistic licence? Or just showing off?
 Offwidth 14 Aug 2011
In reply to Wanderin' Boy:

Yeah! I bet they fixed the dangly bits so they looked the right angle.
 Steve Crowe Global Crag Moderator 14 Aug 2011
In reply to Wanderin' Boy:

Its when you abseil down the cliff and the ropes hang away from the cliff thatyou realise that your eyes/maind play tricks on you. Overhanging cliffs are often steeper than they look. Just look at the quick draws to see the true angle.
 jon 14 Aug 2011
 MJ 14 Aug 2011
In reply to Wanderin' Boy:

You joined UKC today and have so far have contributed two posts. Both of them about Lakes climbing and both negative. Are you trying to wind people up?
Wanderin' Boy 16 Aug 2011
In reply to MJ: Certainly not. I do know that some climbers, especially in the north, use starch on quick draws to make them stick out in photos. Neither Mr McCafe or Mr Hocking have denied or explained their behaviour.
 MJ 17 Aug 2011
In reply to Wanderin' Boy:

"use starch on quick draws to make them stick out in photos."

Do you use Viagra for similar reasons?

 Wft 17 Aug 2011
In reply to Wanderin' Boy: that made me laugh, nice.

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